Ken McEwan, K.C., Eileen Patel and Eric Aitken achieve out of court successes for Tantalus Labs

McEwan Partners is pleased to have achieved a successful out of court resolution for its client, Tantalus Labs Inc., with respect to Tantalus’s planned expansion of its state of the art greenhouse. Ken McEwan K.C., Eileen Patel and Eric Aitken were able to achieve agreement with the Agricultural Land Commission that Tantalus was not required to submit a non-farm use application for the long-planned expansion of its existing facility, and an acknowledgement from the City of Maple Ridge, despite initial strong opposition from City Council, that it was obligated to issue a permit for the construction.

Subsequently, the Agricultural Land Commission has advised by way of an Information Bulletin that cannabis is a farm use under the Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation, and the ALC does not require an application for a non-farm use exemption from the ALC. The ALC’s May 8, 2019 bulletin can be found here.

The City of Maple Ridge’s press release regarding the issuance of Tantalus’s building permit can be found here

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