Benchmark Canada (2018)

Litigation Boutique of the Year for 2018

Selected from among firms across Canada, McEwan Partners was the only nominee from British Columbia in this category, and the first British Columbia firm to win this award.  The firm was also the only litigation boutique nominated for British Columbia Firm of the Year, and extends its congratulations to Fasken, the winner in that category.

Ken McEwan, K.C. – British Columbia Litigator of the Year award for 2018. 

This marks the fifth time in the six years since the award’s inception that Ken has received this honour.

Litigation Stars

Ken McEwan, K.C. and Bob Cooper, K.C. were recognized as Litigation Stars.  In addition, the firm is ranked as Highly Recommended – one of just ten British Columbia firms to receive that designation.

40 & Under Hot List

Benchmark Canada also recognized Emily Kirkpatrick as a leading litigator age forty or under in its annual 40 & Under Hot List. This designation is reserved for the most notable up-and-coming litigators in Canada. Lawyers named to Benchmark’s hot list have earned praise from clients and peers regarding the quality of their work and were selected by Benchmark following a review of their case work, peer reviews and a consideration of client feedback on their performance. Emily is one of only 16 British Columbia lawyers on the list.

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McEwan Partners